
Jan Christine Branded Solutions in Orlando

Logo de Jan Christine Branded Solutions

Heures d'ouverture

09:00 - 18:00
09:00 - 18:00
09:00 - 18:00
09:00 - 18:00
09:00 - 18:00

24 Hour Online Shopping
M-F 9am-6pm, Sa-Su Closed (24 Hour Online Shopping)

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Jan Christine Branded Solutions Agences de publicité

3725 Conway Road
32812 Orlando


CEO, Jan Christine is an expert in the embroidery and screen-printing space for over 20 years. Jan personally oversees the daily operation of her business and workshop out of Orlando, FL. She specializes in supporting businesses who need their logos on apparel quickly and accurately. Clients come to her time and time again knowing her company is a “one-stop-shop” to get what they need.

The story of her growing clientele is a common theme of businesses ordering custom apparel through big box online retailers not getting what they need. Many of these value online retailers stock poor quality apparel and outsource the embroidery/screen-printing process, ultimately costing the client more needing to re-order through another supplier.

Jan’s carefully selected inventory is the perfect balance between quality and economy, and is embroidered/screen-printed onsite. Once a client works with Jan, they continue to select her time and time again… knowing it’s made right, the first time.

Jan attended Florida State University, and Rollins College for her MBA. She lives with her husband and cares for rescue dogs in her local community.

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